Saturday, November 6, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

USS Cod in Cleveland, OH - Radio Room

Ordinarily, I have no interest in such things as self promotion but alas, out of laziness and my aversion to most social networking interfaces, I decided to put some of my crackpottery on the interwebs for friends to see what I am up to, as well as the general public. I have often found it comforting to see others hash out various inventions complete with failures, triumphs and occasional humor. Though I promise not the latter two, I thought I would contribute photos, screenshots, words, etc. to those in pursuit of similar endeavors in fields related to electrical engineering, software development and audio production.

Having no formal education in the above, I generally do what I do as a starving artist (at least in spirit - my lovely wife feeds me well). As a musician and songwriter, I find new and exciting products that I could never afford but that, with a little coffee and googling, a suitable solution can be found; sometimes an entirely new and exciting sound/functionality/whatever. After one strips away the packaging, marketing, and new smell of freshly opened merchandise you are left with just basic building blocks which open up doors for experimentation and hopefully a level of artistic expression which far exceeds the intention of the original design.

Not to say I don't invest in proper tools to do the job. Sure I could spend years developing software to record music or I could make music. Some things are worth investing in. I use mostly open source tools to do what I do (at least when it comes to software), a good bit of which is via GNU/Linux. I read on a post somewhere that "Linux is free if your time is worth nothing". This holds true as I weigh everything I concoct - time vs. just getting on with the music.

So lets get on with the music ...

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